When you read English newspapers, sometimes it is not clear if some stories are true, they are invented or are rigged. A few months ago, Britain and Europe were shocked in front of the whole story of Alfie , thirteen year old boyfriend with a girl aged 15, who became a dad. All sites in the world talked about it, was the story of the day. Too bad it was a hoax: the girl had a lot of active sex life, the other three peers to call for DNA testing, which gave the father a 17 year old. And to think that Alfie was happy, said he was already wanting to take care of the child with the blessing of parents and in-laws.
Yesterday, case even more sensational: a boy of 12 years who returns from vacation and goes to school dressed as a girl with long blonde hair with braids. In moving from elementary to middle, thought that nobody would have recognized, however, and the ruthless former classmates have now spread the word and the poor (poor?) Is was immediately targeted. But the most incredible thing is the attitude of the school and parents, the school has recommended that the teachers treat the baby as if it were a trans girl, and parents have complained because no one warned them.
Third example: today, yet the Sun publishes exclusive the story of a trans second baby, this time the age of nine years. This time, the school said to his companions of the small Luxuria that their manly boyfriend had been replaced by a sweet little girl: that trick did not work, if you think that all children have returned home and asked their parents why a child within a day became a child. Now, aside from the dubious plausible history (parents are really willing to make a sex change nine years of your child, how can a little child that has not even arrived at puberty "feel" a girl?), Let's assume it was true: How can school leaders think are worthy of the name to mock their students in this way?
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