Monday, September 21, 2009

Lumbago Human Older Male

Attack on the single thought

Over the past four days we were literally bombarded with what Dexter called it "incomprehensible" the grief. Rivers, shovels, tons of sympathy for the six paratroopers killed in Kabul, called "heroes", "patriots" and so on: a kind of thinking only of praise, the apology of fake tears, heroism lunch with potatoes. And down insults to those who dare to say that yes, they are military, have died while doing their job, while trying (trying) to help the Afghan people, but who are not heroes, real heroes are others, are the anti-mafia magistrates , are the workers who die every day at work in complete anonymity (if you exclude the voice of a few brave, or some rare warning from the Head of State). Or worse, those who dare to say that it would be easy for everyone to be heroes for ten thousand Euros per month. These are in fact wages to the soldiers who go on missions, and are not all in Afghanistan (even in Kosovo, for example, earns good), where in eight years of "peace mission" (ie war), the dead Italians there are hardly fingers on the contrary to what happens to British and American, which fell every day count.
In this context, if you do not really know the reality of that area, may appear to ask if the looting is still appropriate to keep the soldiers there, in the light of the attack not so much a few days ago, as the that the second election "free" were won with the fraud unacceptable, occurring almost under the noses of the UN. But what is never appropriate to ask not what should be the role of Italian troops in Kabul, or whether to withdraw or risk other lives: it should instead ask a reflection on the desirability of the United Nations military presence in Afghanistan, as in eight years not only hundreds have died without solving any problem (and without neutralizing the Taliban), but also hated and seen as the absolute enemy of the Afghan people, incited by those who have it easy to call them "invaders" and "enemies of freedom" . But if we expect such a commitment by our government, so fond of money to send in our cities (even if we were in Colombia), we have to wait much longer.
For goodness sake, nothing against Italian soldiers who go to those places. There are certainly those who only go there on a mission for money, but fortunately a minority. Most of our troops is in fact made up of courageous people, who truly believe in what they do and are very proud to serve their nation: a feeling so rare in this country, especially in this period.


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