A network "is not information but collects its own point of view," and that "the armed wing of the Republican Party." So the administration considers the Obama Fox News, according to the words of David Axelrod, chief adviser of the President, and Rahm Emanuel, chief of staff. Words which resemble the words with which, for years, the Italian center turns to an example of all, Annozero Michele Santoro. Read them in the mouth to the politician who represents most of all hope for a better world, so as to have had the Nobel Peace Prize, offers a bit 'the chills, and provides arguments to those who have always defended Berlusconi and can now say "see ? Even abroad the same thing happens, Obama thinks like us. "
It 'obvious that the differences between a case and the other is immense: while the network of Murdoch, but in his talk show and its news is harshly critical of Obama, also giving voice to the delusions of those who believe the president was not born in the U.S. (media style beating Felt, with the technique of "some say ..."), which does not hesitate, in the name of God, Money, to transmit the voice of those who say the African horn and Fox. The case is emblematic of Unfoxxed , a documentary that recounted the rise of Fox News, the farce of his being "Fair and Balanced" and its privileged relations with the Bush administration: documentary broadcast in Italy from its Sky satellite networks, and never seen on-air channels. The money and plays first, short : Mediaset beamed as if any of the many films and documentaries that tell of the relationship with Berlusconi censorship. Mediaset, having no competition (Rai is moving), he can afford not to broadcast anything, much of the war plays the winner always.
The dilemma remains, however: the words of Obama and his staff have the same value as those of various Cicchitto Gasparri and when they talk about Annozero ? Of course not. The proclamations of Emanuel and Axelrod on Fox News are part of a deliberate strategy: keep alive, among Democratic voters and more convinced - which they all think that Fox News is scandalously biased - confidence in Barack. Strategy that, in contrast, can also apply in Italy: on the contrary because they are the center-right voters to force the politicians to speak ill of Annozero , but are the politicians, shooting balls on Annozero , convince them voters to think the worst of Santoro. In any case, the only hope we have is that Cicchitto Gasparri and are not aware of anything if this does not happen, sooner or later we may find ourselves BallarĂ² to be compared to Obama. Yes, you can.
The dilemma remains, however: the words of Obama and his staff have the same value as those of various Cicchitto Gasparri and when they talk about Annozero ? Of course not. The proclamations of Emanuel and Axelrod on Fox News are part of a deliberate strategy: keep alive, among Democratic voters and more convinced - which they all think that Fox News is scandalously biased - confidence in Barack. Strategy that, in contrast, can also apply in Italy: on the contrary because they are the center-right voters to force the politicians to speak ill of Annozero , but are the politicians, shooting balls on Annozero , convince them voters to think the worst of Santoro. In any case, the only hope we have is that Cicchitto Gasparri and are not aware of anything if this does not happen, sooner or later we may find ourselves BallarĂ² to be compared to Obama. Yes, you can.
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