The story, in itself, is horrible. A man who molests his niece for 15 years, strangled after being rejected, then the bare, rapes her corpse, burned his clothes, throws in a well. Not satisfied, maxisceneggiata organizes a "finding" his cell phone, charred, then
goes before the cameras and said "I knew it was her," my heart told me, "I heard a shot the heart. " His blue eyes, the eyes of the profiler, showed safety, her tears, rather than despair, seemed to regret for what had been horrible. And so Michael Misseri, a farmer from a village Province of Taranto as there are so many, it was discovered ogre.
I can not speak on behalf of writing and presentation of
Chi l'ha visto? that
last night broke the news of the confession uncle of Sarah Scazzi live and directly to the mother of the girl. They must have had, for reasons to continue the direct transmission with the family of Sarah, to come into the house connection of the Assassin: a twist of fate that no one could predict. I do not feel able to judge nor do I want this choice, followed by the choice not to transmit sacrosanct
Talk to me, the ironic and satirical tone which would certainly have been out of place in an evening so tragic.
I feel bad but in knowing what terrible has happened to this poor girl, guilty only of having his uncle as a criminal, and that it has entered into its most perverse thoughts. There was hope that Sarah was really run away from Avetrana, as he wrote in his diary, rather than remain in the den of his executioner. This morning, the news
updating, I tried to remain on the surface, without reflecting on the particulars frankly too strong, too terrible to be true. As soon as I started thinking about it, I closed my stomach. We receive a lot of news that we're accustomed to everything, and just a few days ago
I had read (and written) something like. But think about it, and do not really think superficially about such cases, it may be much too painful.
And to say that, right now, it was something really serious happened
for Italian democracy. But the newspapers had something more important to worry, the pain of a family whose life is changed forever. Resume their lives after a disaster like this, for Scazzi, at least it will be difficult as the urge to say "enough" to that television link.